1. Plan

    2023 - 2024

  2. Community Engagement

    Early 2024

  3. Design


  4. Build


Project Overview

The Civic Area Phase 2 Project will build on the 2015 Park Plan PDF and continue the design effort to transform this important public space to encompass vibrant urban living, diverse cultural events, a connection to nature and a place that honors the complete history of the area while serving the community of Boulder.

The project vision includes a beautiful, recreational river park at the core with incredible views of the Flatirons. The area is flanked by “bookends” that will create civic and commercial development opportunities that are alive with activity, collaboration, and innovation.

Learn more and sign up for email updates below.

Project scope map of the Boulder Civic Area. A more detailed text description is included below.

Image Description: The project scope of the Boulder Civic Area Phase 2 project. This encompasses the areas between 9th and 14th streets and Arapahoe Avenue and Canyon Boulevard, showing the completed Civic Area Phase 1 work, in the center of the Civic Area. The phase 2 project scope includes "book ends" at each end of the Civic Area that connect with other areas such as the Boulder Creek Path, which are not a part of the scope of the Civic Area Phase 2 project.

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Project Timeline

Civic Area Phase 2 Project detailed timeline. Longer text description is included below.

Image Description:

2023: Scoping, Project Management

2024: Planning Analysis, Engagement Window 1 and 2

2025: Schematic Design, Space Activation Plan and Engagement Window 3 and 4

2026: Design Development, Space Activation Plan, Construction Documentation

2027: Construction, Space Activation Plan, Maintenance Plan and Park Opening

View larger image

Window 1 Engagement Summary

  • We’ve gotten lots of feedback during our initial engagement window one (February to beginning of May, 2024), with the community and are working to analyze all feedback we have received. We’ll share what we’ve heard with you later this year.
  • Below is a summary of all events and conversations we had with the community:
  • Two community organization meetings were held with representatives of local Boulder groups. Approximately 23 organization were represented and gave their thoughts on top priorities we should keep in mind into the next phase of design.
  • A family concert/open house event with musicians Jeff and Paige was held on ‘The Green’ east of the library in February. It included the concert, a park parade, and activities to collect thoughts, ideas and dreams.
  • Mapleton Manufactured Housing HOA Meeting
  • Focus groups with historically excluded communities and their representatives:
    • Bridge House Meeting
    • Community Advisory Board with Downtown Boulder Partnership and community members
    • Spanish-First meeting
    • Age-Well meeting
  • On-going youth engagement
    • Growing Up Boulder and Boulder High School: Civic Area student art gallery proposals
    • CU Environmental Design Spring Studio: Civic Area student design studies
  • Feedback mural pop-ups: A mural was created at the February open house illustrating the ideas Boulder sees for the Civic Area. This mural was posted in key locations around the city so neighbors could write, draw and leave comments on what they would like to see in the next phase of design. These locations included:
    • CU's Environmental Design Building
    • Downtown Library entry
    • Age Well East Center
    • Age Well West Center

We’re still accepting feedback

Share your thoughts on the Civic Area and what you envision for the space for the future! These comments will be compiled during out second window of engagement.

Community Connectors

City staff are partnering with a community connector for this project to have conversations with a diverse set of neighbors that represent communities with disabilities, multi-generational groups, and neighbors passionate about bringing equity to Boulder.

Claudia Sanchez, community connector for the Civic Area Phase 2 Project

Claudia Sanchez was born in Guadalajara, Mexico and has lived in Boulder for 25 years, including 20 years in downtown Boulder. Claudia works as a systemic change organizer for the Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition. She has always tried to be an inspiration of strength to the community by helping and sharing her leadership skills in collaborative ways. She enjoys spending time with her family and celebrating all that can be celebrated. All three of her children have attended Boulder High School, which is her alma mater.

Cindy Torres, community connector for the Civic Area Phase 2 project.

Cindy Torres was born and raised in Brownsville, Texas. She has lived in Colorado since 1996 and has been living in the Mapleton Mobile Home Park in Boulder since 2007. Cindy is interested in being useful to her mobile home park community where she serves on the Management Committee which helps her neighbors stay housed in affordable homes in Boulder. She enjoys community events, gardening, photography, and oral histories.

  • September 2023: Interviewed design teams to assist with the project
  • January 2024: Final contract and scoping completed and selected Rios as the design team
  • February 2024: Window 1: Planning analysis engagement opens
    • Inform the planning process for Civic Area Phase 2
    • Hear feedback on existing park features
    • Hear feedback on activating the park in the future
  • February 2024: Project kick off meeting with Rios to start the planning and analysis phase
  • May 6, 2024: Window 1: Planning analysis engagement window closes
  • May 2024: Engagement Feedback Analysis and on-going technical studies by the design team
  • Fall 2024: Window 2: What we heard from the community

  • July 17, 2023: After final scoping of the project had been completed, the City released a Request for Proposal to solicit a design team in support of the planning, design and public engagement work needed to complete the Civic Area’s Schematic Design.
  • July 12, 2023: The Landmarks Board voted to initiate the designation process for the Historic District as outlined by the application.
  • May 2023: An application for a Historic District was submitted by three community groups.
  • January 2023: The City of Boulder launched the Phase 2 Civic Area project. This process will build on the rigorous effort of the planning process and Phase 1 park improvements, completed in 2018. Staff have conducted scoping and pre-planning, and outlined a public engagement strategy to take the Civic Area Plan from Concept Design to Schematic Design.

As part of the research process for the proposed Civic Area Historic District, the Parks and Recreation Department conducted a Cultural Landscape Assessment (CLA) to evaluate park land as part of the proposed historic district. The CLA is focused on Central Park (including the currently designated bandshell) to ensure there is a solid base of knowledge regarding the historic significance and integrity of the parkland. The CLA and the Proposed Civic Area Historic District were presented to and discussed by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (PRAB) on Jan. 22, 2024.

CLA Memo and Full Assessment:

  • Proposed Civic Area Historic District Memo (starts on page 13)
  • Central Park Cultural Landscape Assessment Memo (memo starts on page 72)
  • Central Park Cultural Landscape Assessment (Full Report starts on page 76)

PRAB Presentation and Discussion:

  • Central Park Cultural Landscape Assessment Presentation @ 8:40
  • Proposed Civic Area Historic District Presentation @ 29:50
  • Recommendations from PRAB @ 1:18:35
    • Board Vice Chair’s Statement, as referred to in the recommendations @ 1:06:30

Boulder has routinely been named one of the top places in America to call home, and in keeping with this charge, Phase 2 of the Civic Area Project is critical to maintaining this way of life. We have the opportunity at the heart of downtown to rethink urban park design to ensure a strong connection to nature, promote the robust local economy, support the dynamic art scene, and continue to cultivate Boulder’s thriving culture.

The project vision encompasses the makings of a beautiful recreational river park at the core, with incredible views of the celebrated Flatirons. This area is flanked by bookends that can entertain civic and commercial development that are alive with activity, collaboration, and innovation.

This will be a space for everyone - a lively and distinct destination that reflects the principles laid on in the 2015 Civic Area plan. A place where people of all ages, abilities, backgrounds, and incomes feel welcome to recreate, socialize, relax, and enjoy the ambiance of a high-altitude urban center at the feet of the Rocky Mountains. The green ribbon along Boulder Creek is the unifying design that will weave metropolitan and park space into a richly diverse, sustainable, equitable, resilient, communal, recreational, artistic, historic, cultural, educational, and social gathering space that reflects Boulder’s identity as a funky, fun and friendly place to live.

This project will also focus on how this vital downtown area can connect to the university on the ‘hill’. The Civic Area will also potentially see city-owned buildings become available as city staff move to a new location. This allows us to reimagine the reuse of these assets to create centers where community members can meet, interact, and innovate. All together, these elements create a true civic heart for the Boulder community, a place to tell, enjoy, and participate in Boulder’s story.

The planning process for Boulder’s Downtown Civic Area kicked off in 2012 with the initial Plan for Boulder’s Civic Area, adopted by Council in September 2013. This document provided a high-level vision with design principles for Civic Park, Central Park, 13th Street, East Bookend, West Bookend, Pearl Street, the Arboretum Path, and major pedestrian connections between these spaces. In 2015, City Council approved Boulder’s Civic Area Plan, refining the initial thinking with an updated concept and program plan. Throughout these two key efforts, a robust public engagement, stakeholder, and steering committee process was incorporated into the overall project timeline to ensure the proposed Civic Area enhancements reflected the values and goals of the community.

The 2015 Civic Area Plan PDF and resulting redevelopment efforts seek to breathe new life into some of Boulder’s most beloved, historic, and iconic public spaces. With parts of Phase 1 (as outlined in the 2015 plan) completed in 2018, Phase 2 of this project will review Civic Park, Central Park, the Arboretum Path, 13th Street, and the West and East Bookends. They will also review multiple city-owned buildings as key components to understand future land use, development opportunities, and which park spaces will move forward for the next phase of implementation. The outcome of the project is to lay out a dynamic, connected, and vibrant collection of community spaces enjoyed by residents and visitors in the Civic Area, guided by the seven main principles from the Civic Area Plan PDF:

Main design priorities:

  • The Civic Heart of Boulder
  • Life & Property Safety
  • Outdoor Culture & Nature
  • Celebration of History & Assets
  • Enhanced Access & Connections
  • Place for Community Activity & Arts
  • Sustainable & Viable Future